The Twenty-First Day of Christmas: Elf is Full of Plot Holes and a Creepy Romance
I didn’t expect to like Elf. I had always imagined it to be like many Will Ferrell led movies to rely on too much screaming and generally...

The Twentieth Day of Christmas: The Santa Clause – Good for Adults too!
I hope you aren’t sick of Tim Allen from yesterday’s article about Christmas with the Kranks because today I am going to talk about The...

The Nineteenth Day of Christmas: Christmas with the Kranks is more about Peer Pressure than Communit
Originally, I was going to talk about the strange phenomenon of not so great Christmas movies released in the mid-2000’s (and a few...

The Eighteenth Day of Christmas: Jingle All the Way – My Guilty Pleasure Holiday Movie
I admit it. I love Jingle All the Way. It’s one of the few not so great Arnold Schwarzenegger movies of the mid to late 90’s. The movie...

The Seventeenth Day of Christmas: Arthur Christmas – A Modern Animated Classic
Arthur Christmas is from what I can tell the most recent animated Christmas movie that was released in theatres. Featuring an all-star...

The Sixteenth Day of Christmas: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York – Better Than the Original?
Why Christmas in New York is my dream vacation. I’m opening this with a picture that I feel explains why this movie is one of my...

The Fourteenth Day of Christmas: Vince Vaughn + Christmas = Fred Claus or Four Christmases?
So you want to watch a Christmas movie with Vince Vaughn in it but you only have time for one. Suddenly you realize that there are TWO...

The Thirteenth Day of Christmas: Which “A Christmas Carol” Adaptation Should You Watch?
A Christmas Carol was written by Charles Dickens in 1843 and became popular pretty much immediately. It spawned theatre shows, live TV...

The Twelfth Day of Christmas: African American Christmas Movies
So I would just like to preface this with the fact that I am a white woman. My partner in crime is also a white woman. We understand...

The Eleventh Day of Christmas: Weird Christmas Movies You Might Not Have Heard Of
I’m going to acknowledge right off the bat that there are just too many Christmas movies to talk about in just 25 days. We’ve been...