The Twenty-Fifth Day of Christmas: It’s a Wonderful Life is my Favourite Christmas Movie
Merry Christmas! This month just flew by and we are at our last Christmas blog! I saved (in my opinion) the best for last! It’s a...

The Twenty-Fourth Day of Christmas: A Christmas Story – The Most Honest Christmas Movie?
Throughout these 25 days of Christmas we’ve gone over time and again what commonly makes a Christmas movie – the themes. This...

The Twenty-Third Day of Christmas: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
Christmas Vacation is definitely a Christmas comedy classic. The mostly slapstick humour and hectic family atmosphere is what makes this...

The Twenty-Second Day of Christmas: Miracle on 34th Street – Which Version is Best?
Much like the comparison I did between the versions of How the Grinch Stole Christmas (animated vs. live action) I am going to try to...

The Twenty-First Day of Christmas: Elf is Full of Plot Holes and a Creepy Romance
I didn’t expect to like Elf. I had always imagined it to be like many Will Ferrell led movies to rely on too much screaming and generally...

The Twentieth Day of Christmas: The Santa Clause – Good for Adults too!
I hope you aren’t sick of Tim Allen from yesterday’s article about Christmas with the Kranks because today I am going to talk about The...

The Nineteenth Day of Christmas: Christmas with the Kranks is more about Peer Pressure than Communit
Originally, I was going to talk about the strange phenomenon of not so great Christmas movies released in the mid-2000’s (and a few...

The Eighteenth Day of Christmas: Jingle All the Way – My Guilty Pleasure Holiday Movie
I admit it. I love Jingle All the Way. It’s one of the few not so great Arnold Schwarzenegger movies of the mid to late 90’s. The movie...

The Seventeenth Day of Christmas: Arthur Christmas – A Modern Animated Classic
Arthur Christmas is from what I can tell the most recent animated Christmas movie that was released in theatres. Featuring an all-star...

The Sixteenth Day of Christmas: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York – Better Than the Original?
Why Christmas in New York is my dream vacation. I’m opening this with a picture that I feel explains why this movie is one of my...