Find Out What's Reel about Scream
Scream was released in 1996, exactly 21 years ago today, and was credited in reviving the slasher genre. Filled with meta references to...

My Top 5 Horror-Comedies
As I worked to narrow down my top 10 horror movies I quickly realized that there is a whole sub-genre I felt the need to talk about...

My Top 10 Horror Movies
We’re halfway through October and that much closer to the most fun holiday of the year – Halloween! Like most people when I think of...

Review: It
IT is a fabulous horror movie about a group of kids who fight against a supernatural being (IT), who usually takes the shape of a clown,...

The First Day of Christmas: A Brief History of Christmas Horror
What do you think of when you think of Christmas? Santa with a bloody axe? Me too. Okay and Gremlins. Horror movies may not be for many...